ADOT Encroachment Permits for Site Development

ADOT Encroachment Permits for Site Development

The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) owns and maintains over 27,000 lane-miles of roadways. These roadways run along private land that typically has direct access to the state highways. If your property is located next to a road with a name like “State Route… ”, “US Route…”, or “Highway…”, there’s a good chance that ADOT owns the road. It’s important to be aware of this as you plan a development or redevelopment project, as ADOT requires an encroachment permit before you can do any construction in their right-of-way. There are a number of different forms that may need to be completed to initiate the process to obtain ADOT encroachment permits.

Typical activities that trigger the need for an encroachment permit include collection of field survey data and any construction activities that occur within ADOT’s right of way. ADOT’s permit process can be confusing, time consuming, and typically involves completing a traffic impact study (aka traffic impact analysis).

The first step in the encroachment process is to reach out to ADOT’s Permits Supervisor for the district your project is located in. Start the conversation about your project and find out if the district has any special processes that need to be followed. There may be several different documents that are required by ADOT in order to have your permit issued. As of the writing of this article, ADOT does not charge to review and issue permits. However, that is subject to change at their discresion.

Call or contact us to get your complimentary guide to the Arizona Department of Transportation’s Encroachment Permit process. Our guide will help you understand how to minimize the schedule and cost impacts to your project.